Size 8 Mother Confessed Wanting To Abort Her


You see abortion is illegal in most parts of world if not worldwide. In Kenya abortion can be done only under doctors directives if a mother’s life is in danger.

When Esther Njeri Munyali was with Size 8 pregnancy, life was hard for her and her husband. This made Size 8 mother opt for an abortion!

Size was sharing this story on ‘Pambio Live’ show on sunday.

My mother had gone to the hospital to remove me from her womb because life was so tough at that time with my dad.

Unfortunately it turned out that the abortion would cost her life instead of what she wanted to terminate.

So my mother went to the hospital and luckily she met a doctor who told her of the consequences of abortion. The doctor told her that she would die if she went ahead to abort me. and looking at the fact that she had other 5 children she decided not to do it.

Truly it was God’s miracle that Size 8 survived that incident. Before her mother died of kidney related complications, she did confessed her worst idea of wanting to do away with Size 8. Size 8 was willing to donate one kidney to her mother. Also she run a fundraising to have her mother undergo a Kidney transplant.

On her death bed before she left us my mom confessed to me that she wanted to let me go before I was born. She looked back and couldn´t imagine that the same baby that she wanted to remove from her womb, was the same one who was paying her hospital bills.

Who would have paid her bills if she could have done the abortion?