Ommy Dimpoz Shares How He Met Alikiba


Musicians come from very far. Only a few of them raise to stardom easily but in most cases there is a hard process and challenges before one’s brand is known. One artist can take ten years to have a hit while another artist can take few days and he/she is all over.

Ommy Dimpoz used to work in TID band as a voice back up vocalist. During that time Alikiba used to attend TID band gigs. During the visits its when Ommy got to meet and talk to Alikiba.

After asking for a granted collabo from Alikiba,that’s how NaiNai was made. Since then Ommy Dimpos has never looked back. The two are very close friends till date through thick and thin.

Alikiba & Ommy Dimpos
Alikiba & Ommy Dimpoz