After breaking up with Vanessa Mdee,Juma Jux found love in asia continent. In Thailand,is where he found solace with a model,Nayika Thongom.
In their first series of pictures online, many thought that Nayika was a video vixen for the Tanzanian singer upcoming project. However, the singer settled the rumours and agreed that the two were dating.
Jux said that he had know Nayika for a while before taking their relationship to higher grounds.
Though there were no big issues between them,distance became a major challenge. It might be true that long distance don’t work at all. Neither Jux nor his then girlfriend wanted to relocate to another country. Nayika wanted to stay in Thailand and Juma Jux wanted to stay in Tanzania.
Tired of the distance barrier, they called it off. Chatting always and unlimited video calls were too much for Jux.
Henceforth Jux has declared not to do long distance relationship again. He concurs that long distance relationship is difficult. It didn’t work for him with Thailand Model Nayika Thongom.