Alikiba Secret Lover Unwraps Their Love Affair


Diva has been a side chic for Alikiba for the longest time according to her posts. Their love relationship started when Alikiba returned in the game after being missing for long. Mwana tune announced his comeback

That ain’t the issue for me but,her timing. In a long post she exclusively shared the date that she decided to do away with Kadogo singer, 16/02/2020. Two days after this year’s valentine day. Why now? She knows veru well that King Kiba is married and that the stories might put the marriage on the divorce risk!

Diva The Bawse is hurt for real. Cheed and Killy leaving Kings Music Records must have a hand to her latest rant online. She decided to move but I wonder what drama she is upto after promising to expose their videos, chats and pictures with Alikiba!

Alikiba is married to Kenyan Amina Khalef and going with Diva’s post,its evident that he was cheating with on his wife. This might be also the main cause they had some differences with Amina shortly after their wedding.

Diva the Bawse

Diva the Bawse
Diva the Bawse

Above all,the radio presenter has decided to move on with her life after being in a secret relationship with Alikiba. Something she denied for long.