Vibe Mtaani Press Release


Seasonal GreetingsWe hereby issue a press release following incidents that took place at Vibe Mtaani Empire this year,2019.Firstly, we would like to thank our esteemed audience and visitors that pop in daily to our blog. The journey has not been easy but,because of your undying support, we have worked tireless to meet your demands. It should be known that 3 years ago we had to shut our blog due to unavoidable circumstances. But two years ago,we bounced back and stronger.In a span of two years,our audience has grown by a margin of 600% We don’t take that for granted. Infact we are planning on how to increase our readership more.This year we witnessed the great debate about Play Kenyan Music that resulted to birth of trending new wave of Gengetone. It was one of the most positive impact in the Show Biz Issues and the entertainment industry at large.Thirdly, we launched Vibe Chart. This is a category that will be posting 8 Most Downloaded/Trending Music. The Chart will be a monthly thing and we started the list in September. We are working to see how we will recognize the winners.As a way to push Vibe Mtaani brand,we have done a work test with other brands to see how we can broaden the empire for the sake of our industry. Next year you will be able to note some of big brands associated with us.

Vibe Mtaani Support

As Vibe Mtaani we have an initiative to support talented artists. Already we have spotted four and will like you to know about them briefly.2gb clan Kenya
They are amazing duo that we met after having an event at Chakaleri Grounds,Kwale County in conjunction with Top Mashariki.Petrah Muziki
An amazing singer. His projects made us to pick him and offer the assistance that we may have in order to push his brand.Mapozi Classic
We love the vibe the border boys are bringing to tje industry. For that reason we got them at our portal.Sean Morgan
He is young boy that we manage and you will know him fully in coming days.There are more artists that we have identified but the above cut the threshold that we as Vibe Mtaani were looking out in our selection process.


Our Year Press won’t be complete without mentioning 3 big brands that support our blog.

  1. Top Mashariki

Mwinyi Kazungu Mtetezi has been an avid reader of Vibe Mtaani Blog and has been giving us support. We can’t miss to thank him.

  1. Mambo Mseto.

Mzazi Willy M Tuva has been a great source of inspiration to this blog. He plays a huge role in oozing those exclusive,Mambo Mseto is the home of exclusives.

  • Gadiel Richard has been also a big friend of Vibe Mtaani and a big advisor. We salute him too. Btw he is a good videographer,works with Mseto EA.
  1. Mzuka Kibao

Our worth rival lol. But we have many things in common and always shows us way when we are lost.That being said,we assure our esteemed visitors, returning visitors and anticipated visitors that next year,2020 things will be not the same agian. Much delicacy is being cooked and will be ready to be served to you next year sizzling hot.Wishing You A Marry Christmas and A Prosperous Happy New Year,2020.