Ringtone Prays For Sailors & Ethic Music


Kenyan self proclaimed gospel spokesman was the Vibe Mtaani on the better part of last week. This time round he was not on his rival Willy Paul but the new generation kids of Gengetone.

Ringtone seems bad with the kind of content the gengetone kids are releasing. In his now viral prayer,he is seen asking God the things that the artists are singing be done to their sisters and girlfriends.

In his prayer he mainly targeted Sailors of Wamlambez and Ethic group of Lamba Lolo hit.

Naombea Ethic wanajifanya wao ndio wanajua kupiga rungu sana, naomba madada zao wapigwe marungu kabisa. Naombea Sailors, naombea dada zao na watu wao, walambwez na wanyonywez ndio waskie

You can view the prayer below
