Rayvanny Wasafi Exist Is Complicated


Rayvanny stay at Wasafi is not looking good. There has been rumours that Rayvanny wants to leave the label. However, something is not adding up.

Insiders have digged the possible reason why Chui has not yet left the label. This is despite launching his recording label and signing an artist, Macvoice under it.

Just like Harmonize, Rayvanny has only two option. This is if he truly wants to leave Wasafi. One is to pay them for termination of his contract or forget about his songs copyright and walk away.

Reliable sources to Vibe Mtaani have it that Rayvanny was given a huge invoice. Considering that he was unable to pay,he has decided to hold talks to reach an amicable solution. This is because the other option is not viable to him. All of his songs on digital platforms are to be under Wasafi if he’s unable to pay and walk away.