Micky Ndieza real name Michael Oliver Ndeda has released Nyamonge mp3 audio a Luo-Urban contemporary song which speaks about the Luo lifestyle in general and their ” flashy lavish ” habits. The song also focuses on encouraging in young generations in archiving their life goals and missions .
Micky Ndieza is a 25yrs old musician born and raised in Uyawi village Central Sakwa in Bondo, Siaya County.
He started his music journey while in primary school and advanced it later in 2018 after completing his high school education at Chianda Boys High School.
He has sereval popular songs including Nampenda, Pungulu,Adhiambo, Naenjoy,Nakupenda, Far Away featuring producer Pet Papa and Mangster Elae.
Micky is set with dope unreleased tracks that will make his a household name in the music industry.