Harmonize and Kajala are no longer an item. This comes after the actress disclosed that she has
ended their relationship.
Going through Kajala’s photos on her Instagram page shows that she has deleted all the photos she had taken with Harmonize, even though Harmonize has opted to keep their photos on his account.
Mimi kama mwanamke na binadamu nimeumbwa kupenda na kusamehe pia,ila kwenye hili nastahili
kuchekwa, nastahili kubezwa na kudharauliwa pia😌. Sipo hapa kujitetea wala kutia huruma ni kweli
nilifanya makosa na nimeyagundua makosa yangu, mimi siyo mkamilifu. Hakika nimekosea familia
yangu, ndugu zangu, na marafiki zangu. Kutenda kosa si kosa, kosa kurudia kosa. I forgive my X and I’m
ready for the next.