Did Ben Pol & Anerlisa Muigai Just Got Married


After sharing on how she was stuck about whether to relocate permanently to Tanzania as per her lover wish,now fresh story has emerged from Anerlisa Muigai and Ben Pol love kingdom.

ben pol & anerlisa mugai wedding

ben pol & anerlisa mugai wedding


ben pol & anerlisa mugai wedding

ben pol & anerlisa mugai wedding

en Pol had it that they got married. But the alleged wedding that was done in Runda was kept very secret as possible. Ben Pol has it that he likes having his personal life made private. This saw the wedding have very close family members and few friends being invited.

We got exclusive photos to back up the story on Ben Pol and Anerlisa Muigai wedding.

ben pol & anerlisa mugai weddingben pol & anerlisa mugai weddingben pol & anerlisa mugai wedding