There are so many blogs and bloggers in Kenya especially in the Show Biz industry. One thing that makes the Kenyan industry especially online not to go foward is lack of creativity. Authenticity is a nightmare to some and they got no power to think on their own.
Very few,if there are at all,are creative and find spicy juicy stories daily to write. The rest wait for set trends to copy paste in their various blogs. By doing this,they brag being bloggers.
Hailemind Entertainment Boss shares the same sentiments like mine. You cant compare Kenyan bloggers verses their Tanzania counterparts.”Blogs in Tanzania make their industry vibrant and lively by always creating stories and trending topics and the blogs are countless hapa Kenya we wait for a big story to copy paste.”
I cant disagree with David Guoro. He is write. Its up to you Kenyan Show Biz bloggers.