Sports News

Christiano Ronaldo React To His 5 match Ban


Real Madrid Madrid’ ’s s top top notch notch player player, , Cristiano Cristiano
Ronaldo Ronaldo has has hit hit out out at at the the sanction sanction issued issued to to
him him after after he he laid laid his his hands hands on on a a match match
official official against against Barcelona Barcelona. .
The The world world football football star star took took to to his his
Instagram Instagram page page to to react react to to the the ban ban. . He He
wrote wrote on on his his page page: :
Impossível Impossível ficar ficar imune imune a a esta esta
situação situação, , 5 5 jogos jogos!! !! Parece Parece- -me me
exagerado exagerado e e ridículo ridículo, , isto isto
chama chama- -se se perseguição perseguição! ! Obrigado Obrigado
aos aos meus meus companheiros companheiros pelo pelo
apoio apoio e e aos aos adeptos adeptos!!! !!!
( (yeah yeah, , good good luck luck reading reading that that! !) )

… … It It’ ’s s translated translated in in English English as as: :
Impossible Impossible to to be be immune immune to to
this this situation situation, , 5 5 games games !! !! It It
seems seems to to me me exaggerated exaggerated and and
ridiculous ridiculous, , this this is is called called
persecution persecution! ! Thanks Thanks to to my my
teammates teammates for for the the support support and and
the the fans fans !!! !!!

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