Willy Paul Desperate For Alaine

Back then Willy Paul used to be good friends. Infact very good friends and at some point he referred to her as his wife.

We don’t really know what happened between the two until Nandy from Tanzania came into the picture. After having a perfect chemistry with Nandy,it’s time that Willy Paul has remembered his long time friend.

Apparently, Alaine has blocked our very own boy child. Here is what Pozzee posted.

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Alaine, we were so good together dear, to be honest meeting you was the best thing ever coz it was like a dream come true.. when u see a man admitting to such, that' means something big. I woke up today feeling some type of way, you use to like my pics and comment on them.. nowadays I call you and you dont pick.. you dont even reply to my messages.. tell me have I wronged you in anyway? No I dont think so, like I said, i had so much hope in this.. you came to Kenya the other day n didn't bother looking for me, I was forced to look for you.. what happened after that?? You blocked me.. mmmmh the reason I'm writing this here is for the world to atleast help me get this message to you.. my mum keeps asking me where you disappeared to. But I'm glad you like one of my posts the other day.. maybe that's a sign. Plus one more thing, there's a female artist from Tanzania by the name Nandy. Me and her are just friends…. nothing more… that shouldn't even worry you dear.. Madam boss please talk, unblock me, this silence is killing POZZE, you know who ur legit king is.. Help me fam.. get this message to her @alainesinga

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