Nasty breakup between Cardi B and Offset


Cardi B and Offset’s breakup shocked fans, but Cardi’s honest thoughts about the split revealed the deeper issues behind their relationship.

Cardi B opened up, saying, “Sometimes I wish I was broke so a guy like Offset wouldn’t have met me. I am happy that I’m rich and able to provide for myself, but having money kinda took away my happiness.”

While Cardi B has achieved incredible success, she explained how her wealth led to her meeting Offset, something she now regrets.
Adding that, “I only met my broke ex-husband, Offset because I was rich.”

Cardi B revealed working as a stripper, living a simple life before her sprout to fame. 

Though she claimed to have struggled financially back then, she felt free and in control of her own life.

“A lot of people didn’t know me when I was stripping and I was broke, but I was happy because I got to do whatever I want when I want without anybody interfering,” she said.

However, after becoming rich and famous, Cardi B found herself married to Offset, a relationship that became difficult.

“But now that I’m rich, I got married to one of the worst men on earth,” she admitted, showing how unhappy she had become.

Despite all the money and fame, Cardi B realized that it didn’t bring her the happiness she once had.

She confessed, “Sometimes I just wish I was broke and happy because I’ve realized that money can’t buy happiness.”

Cardi B’s breakup with Offset is a reminder that even with wealth and fame, life can still have major struggles, especially in love.

Her story shows that while success can change your life, it doesn’t always bring happiness, and sometimes, it even makes things more complicated.

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