Lack Of Sanitary Towels Amongst Other Basic Things Didn’t Deter Her Music Passion


Today I feature Jephym inspiration story. She has been through a lot but she kept her head high and she still does. She shared an exclusive interview with Mzuka Kibao and it’s worth reading.

Born Jennifer Mueni in Kitui County 19 years ago, singer and songwriter Jephym overwhelming music talent was discovered by Mzuka Kibao through her Mother who is her biggest supporter so far.

Jephym had her rap career groundbreaking while still in High School where she would entertain mates whenever an opportunity availed itself.

Her first solo single has been produced ,mixed and mastered by Pro Tobby of Song Makers Studio’s.

Jephym - Jenifer Mueni

Q1: Briefly tell us how you got yourself intrested in creative and performing arts

JEPHYM: Alll my life I’ve always dreamed of being a musician.When I was little and still growing I used to sing along to popular music tracks ,however I realized I could really get into music seriously when I got to form one , writing my own rap lines.Towards the end of high school things got a little bit more serious .

Q2: Any challenges you faced while trying to create something out of the Promising brand we see today?

JEPHYM : Many at times I was rebuked and discouraged by some of my teachers.They really didn’t approve of my musical passion and interest.It got to a point I was punished when I released my first song and was trying my best to market myself in school.

Q3: Do you mind sharing your upbringing and family life?

JEPHYM: No problem,actually I come from a very poor family background .Where I come from we were considered of the lowest class .People always made fun of me and my family and henceforth decided to stay indoors to avoid humiliation.Most of tym I avoided my mates due to my situation.

Q4: Sorry for that .What was poverty like for a growing young girl with a vision but with no hopes for tomorrow

JEPHYM: I was born in a family of 3 children,me being the first st born.My parents did minor jobs with no stable income at all.Sometimes we would go without food for up to 3 days

Jennifer Mueni

Q5: Do you have any incident that pushed you to the wall till you felt like giving up?

JEPHYM : Not necessarily giving up because I believe am a fighter but there is this one particular incident when both of my parents became very sick .We had no money to buy food…,leave alone pay house rent or take care of other needs.At that time we were living in my aunts plots .Unfortunately she kicked us out.By God’s grace we soon found a mere shelter and continued to struggle with life.We would spend a week with only strong tea and if diet changed it would be tasteless porridge for the following week and the cycle continued .

Q6: Am sure it reached a point your necessities became a little more pressing and urgent as a young girl .right?

JEPHYM: At the time I started experiencing my menses family was at a financial dead-end.I had to use my old clothes and sometimes I would beg friends for tissue paper although they didn’t know what I used it for .By the time mama was buying me the first set of sanitaries towels I think I had already gone through alot

Q7: Up to that point was there anything to hold on and keep you going?

JEPHYM: Yes with time dad started doing hotel work and mum engaged herself with salon work and gradually life started to improve.From there mum started hustling.She sold shoes and later started dealing with juakali works to date .

Q8: How do you manage to manoeuvre your talent and musical activities?

JEPHYM: Of course my mother has been of great help.she has supported my art whenever she can .I can say my mother is my world.

Q9: What plans do as far as giving your fans good music is concern?

JEPHYM : I want to thank the few fans I already have .However I’m promising consistency soon after releasing my debut song this week .There is more lined up for you.

Jennifer Mueni

Q10: Give us your weapon phrase.

JEPHYM: The word “impossible” should be plucked off from the dictionary.To me it doesn’t exist.According to the words of World Marathon Champion Eliud Kipchoge,Human is unlimited.Thanks for having me.