My Father Tests My Virginity Daily- Confession


Am a girl of 21 years, am a student, a level 300. My father test my virginity every year at the hospital to see if am a virgin, he said if am a virgin my bride price will be high and my husband will love me more.

Before I used to believe him and be happy until I realize it’s his selfish need. I love this guy he’s my BF and soulmate. We had sex 2 weeks ago, we have been doing it almost everyday now. My fear is my birthday is in November and my father do the test every Birthday.

How can get I out this situation? Am an only daughter with 3 brothers. My mothers opinion doesn’t matter. My mother is not well educated. I want to live my life and make my own mistakes am not a goods for sale. Advise me please. Don’t judge me.

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