Trolls See Mulamwah Leave Comedy


Cyber bulling has made Comedian Mulamwah quit his art. In a video he posted on his IG,Mulamwah has had enough of trolls online.

In recent days, he has been roasted for a while. Mulamwah said that something he did for fun,turned out to be worst. For him,comedy was not out for fame.

Many thought him setting on flames his trade mark shirt was another joke. Mulamwah shared how her girlfriend Carrol Sonie lost her 3 month’s pregnancy because of stress. This was after he posted her while on hospital bed and she got trolled. Since then he has not been the same.

However, the same streets that hardened his life to a point of quitting his skits, has shown mouthwatering support. The likes of Bahati, Abel Mutua,Jalang’oo among other big players in the industry have encouraged him to stay . That he should develop a thick skin and get used to trolls.

kendrick mulamwah

Mulamwah whose real name is David Oyando,on the other side, he has added two new bikes in his motorcycle investment.

I hope Mulamwah will get console and be back on his feet. Fame ain’t for the faint hearted. Mulamwah should know he is on the wrong path if he is not making enemies. For the Kenyans at large, lets support our own.

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It wasn't an easy decision to make . Am sorry guys , what was to make me happy makes me more sad, more enemies than friends,too much negativity,trolls. I wasn't here for fame and bad blood but for fun. Shukran sana kwa the support from the fans and everyone else who made it a success .To those who always wished the worst for me I hope y'all happy now , the stage is all yours . my prayer is that no one else goes through the same again. I once posted @carrol_sonie while in a hospital bed , we had just lost our baby at 3 months following stress after being trolled online. I have never been the same since then . Pole sana pia for all who looked up to me especially the kids, I have failed you ?, but keep your heads up . We shall still meet on different entertainment platforms , social media ADS and product campaigns too. GOD BLESS. Asanteni ? . Konki ? .

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